Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Yonka Phyto 54

There is a plethora of products in markets worldwide promising to eliminate the effects of aging. People everywhere are seeking miracle substances. Finally, they are realizing that aging is inevitable. However, nature has provided us with essentials that can slow the less attractive cosmetic aspects of aging.

Nature is abundant with botanicals that for centuries have been used for their healing and medicinal process. Today botanicals are being recognized for their ability to naturally slow down the aging process, and now we have the technology to confirm the benefits from botanical extracts.

The Yonka company exemplifies this phenomenon. They created their enterprise after extensively researching botanical aromas and purifications. This led to the creation of Yonka and their line of skincare products They started with a unique combination of five essential plant oils from the Mediterranean. Today they use over 130 plants.

Located in Paris, their sales grew to a point where exportation became a necessity. They entered the United States and United Kingdom markets in 1987 followed by Switzerland in 2000. Yonka is renowned for their efficacy and results. Positive scientific observations and experiments confirm their success.

Included in their prodigious product line is Yonka Phyto 54 for those who suffer from facial red patches due primarily to heat. The redness occurs when capillaries in the facial region collapse. The breakage of these veins appear on the face and neck. This leads to an uneven reddish complexion, unwanted by most.

Yonka Phyto 54 also contains extracts vital to the cream's success. Rosemary extract is always associated with this product and predominates the healing process. Rosemary is a common household plant found throughout the world. It has been used for thousands of years in cosmetics and hair products. Research abounds revealing its two dozen antioxidants and their manifold abilities. Rosemary extract is the only compound In the Handbook of Biologically Active Phytochemical that is both immune regulating and an anti-inflammability agent.

Also present in the formula is vitamin E, reputed to boost the immune system preventing certain cancers. It also contains Cypress oil to improve circulation and assist with damaged veins. Included in the treatment is lavender oil, a known treatment for acne.

Facial veins that are disrupted by natural causes can be repaired with modern day treatments. Capillaries can be regulated with tissue regeneration. The red blotches and irritation associated with these pathologies can be treated successfully with Yonka Phyto 54 and its truly comprehensive and proven formula. 


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