Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Sensitive Skin

Do you have sensitive skin? If you answered yes, you definitely aren't the only one. Many people have sensitive skin, but that doesn't make it any less annoying. Dealing with red, itchy and irritated skin can be quite the hassle. Here are some helpful tips for dealing with sensitive skin.

Don't Wash Your Face Too Much

Washing your face too often isn't good in the first place, but it's especially bad for those with sensitive skin. Washing your face a lot strips your skin of natural oils, making it dry and red. Do not wash your face more than two times a day.

Use a Cleanser That's Made for Sensitive Skin

When you have sensitive skin, it is important to use a cleanser that is especially made for your skin type. Many cleansers out there are harsh and can irritate sensitive skin. For example, you can use Avene Extremely Gentle Cleanser for Intolerant Skin. It is specifically made for sensitive skin and will be gentle on it.

Protect It With Sunscreen

Putting on sunscreen becomes even more important when you have sensitive skin. If your skin is sensitive, it is more likely to get sunburned. Apply a fragrance free and non-comedogenic sunscreen before you go outside.

Add Spices to Your Diet

Another thing you can do to help your sensitive skin is to add spices to your diet. Spices, such as ginger, black pepper and cinnamon, can reduce skin inflammation.

Avoid Exfoliating Too Much

Exfoliating too often can really irritate sensitive skin. Try not to exfoliate your skin more than once a week. Also, don't use harsh exfoliants like nuts and crystals. Instead, use sugar and olive oil.

Living with sensitive skin can be tough at times, but you do not have to be miserable. If you follow these helpful tips, you can help your sensitive skin.


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