Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Why We Love SkinCeuticals Toners

Smog, smoke and industrial chemicals assault the skin on a daily basis, leaving it dull and dry. Cleaning can remove the dirt and debris of everyday life, but even the best cleansers leave a residue on the skin which can irritate and dull. An alkaline soap can even upset the pH balance in the skin leading to an increase in oil production. Following your cleaning ritual with a toner that contains ingredients such as glycolic acid can repair the skin, leaving it looking younger and smoother.

Toners also hydrate the skin which helps in the maintenance of elasticity and smoothness. Some toners, such as SkinCeuticals LHA Solution, combine glycolic acid with salicylic acid to prevent breakouts. The LHA Solution also uses L-ascorbic acid to enrich the toner with photo-protective benefits when exposed to UV light. Unlike other oily-skin products, SkinCeuticals Toners do not leave the skin feeling tight or dry.

Another good toner choice is SkinCeuticals Equalizing Toner. This toner includes hydroxyl acids which remove dead skins cells and combat breakouts while minimizing pores and tightening cell gaps. This helps reduce the penetration of impurities and contaminants into the skin. Toners also help protect the skin against the chlorine found in tap water. Long-term use can even delay the onset of wrinkles.

SkinCeutical toners are packaged in spray bottles which cut down on waste and protect the toner from bacteria. Carry a bottle with you to give your skin a boost of hydration while fighting against oil in the middle of the day. Although they include natural extracts such as rosemary and chamomile, SkinCeutical toners are fragrance-free and can be layered with other skin-care products without unpleasant interactions. A smooth, fresh face is not only pleasing to look at but also feels great. Take care of your skin by adding a SkinCeutical toner to your routine.


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