Thursday, January 14, 2016

Skinceuticals Pigment Regulator

The Skinceuticals Pigment Regulator is designed for people who suffer from hyper-pigmentation. It is effective for reducing blotchiness, freckles, brown spots and dark patches on the skin. This product can also improve your overall complexion. Additionally, it can prevent discolorations from occurring in the future without exposing you to unhealthy side effects.

There are several ingredients in the Skinceuticals Pigment Regulator that make it a great choice for people who want to reduce hyper-pigmentation. Two percent Kogic acid is one of the key ingredients in this product. It is a skin lightening agent that works by inactivating tyrosinase. Tyrosinase controls the production of melanin.

Two percent Emblica is another ingredient in this product. It is also known as Indian gooseberry. It is a natural skin lightening agent. Emblica also helps reverse UV-induced hyper-pigmentation.

This product has two exfoliants, amino sulfonic acid, and glycolic acid. Both of these ingredients help remove dead skin cells. They also help break up excess pigmentation in the skin.

You will need to use this product once or twice per day. Apply a small amount of this product to a dry face. You can also use this product on other affected areas. If you use this product in the morning, then you will need to apply a sunscreen afterward. Make sure that you limit sun exposure.

There have been clinical studies done to prove that this product is useful for treating hyper-pigmentation. One of the studies compared this product to the leading medical standard. The study involved subjects who suffered from mild to moderate hyper-pigmentation. They were between the ages of 25 and 60.

The results of the study showed that this product is just as effective for treating hyper-pigmentation as the leading medical standard. Not only is this product effective, but it can give you long-lasting results.


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